Speak Asia’s press conference, raised many questions. Even company’s loyal panelist were not aware of many things like Speak Asia online is not a company but a panel service provider, the money they have paid to the company is for the subscription of e-magazine published by Speak Asia not investment. Many panelist are saying that they never heard of such e-magazine and no one ever told them during the business presentation that they are paying Rs.11000 for the e-magazine. Speak Asia tried to explain business model from their point of view, which is different from what panelist have explained in the business presentations.
Speak Asia was uneasy about sharing the business model of company with journalist but unless they don’t share the business concept to the panelist, how they expect panelist to increase the growth of 1 crore by Dec.2011? They must understand that things have changed.
The real question, will Speak Asia survive in coming time. There are two things two look at. If Speak Asia’s business model is not money circulation as media has projected, then even without enrollment of new panelist, company would survive. Second thought to the business model, without new enrollment, if it’s based on Ram’s hat on Shyam’s head and Shyam’s hat on Sanjay’s head, then company will run out of funds to pay to the panelist for the regular survey income which company has promised to the panelist for a year term.
Currently there are 19 lakhs panelist, their money, pride, future and the most faith is at stake. Media’s role is to cover a story, not pass judgement, in this case they have done their job as per journalism standard, though they have created lot of tension, hue and cry among panelist. If somebody to be blamed, the government agencies role comes in-question, were they sleeping when alleged scam was happening at the national level. The truth will come out when investigation would be done by RBI & the Enforcement Directorate.
There is a classic case of person called Bernard Madoff in the US. He ran a Ponzi scheme for about a period of at-least 20 years. He ran this scheme successfully, things changed during the start of economic meltdown in 2008. People were withdrawing money and there were no new investment came along to pay off old clients. The estimated fraud is of $60 billion US dollars. Read more about him – Bernard Madoff.
The question is not who lost or won during the press conference, the interest of panelist should be kept at the top. Panelist should not be the loser among company and the media. our advice to the panelist is that limit you activities, don’t enroll new people, unless you are fully confident. The moment your money is back in your hands by filling regular surveys then look at the business opportunity given by Speak Asia Online.
Mr. A.K. Sharma,
Well said in your artical, but i have few concerns about, you said that media has done their job as per journalism standard, then why electronic media gave their judgement when they started covering their stories on speakasia? Initally they gave a scam figure of 5000/-crore scam at star news channel but now fig. has come to 1300-1900 crores i dont know how the fig. shrunk? why govt. of india did not awake when the company was started and worked till more than a year? what if speakasia found guilty, will govt take over all the speakasia’s money or panelist’s money would be given back to the panelists ?? And last but not least nobody complaint against speakasia because they did not fraud with anybody till the date media started speaking against speakasia because they were paying on time to each and every panelist and everybody was happy and satisfied but i dont know what power instigate media and everything happened. in nutshell i want to say this is all corrupt politics and corrupt media who has betrayed the 20 lakh people because if skeakasia had to do the same with their panelists they could have shut down their web-site on 11th of may when Star News spoke against speakasia and nobody could do anything against them because they did not use to exist in india.” BUT THEY STILL STAND HIGH AND FACING EVERY HARASMENT OF CORRUPT POLITICS AND MEDIA OF THE WORLDS LARGEST DEMOCRAY.”
Vinesh Gupta
dese all survey companies making poeple fool……if dey r benifted by dng survey y dey do only 1 survey i n one weak….by 1 person………………
First thing, you are mentioned in the article Bank accounts of Speak
India have been frozen dated 16th
May that Speakasia is having 19 million panellist and today’s article The Battle among Speak Asia, Media
and the Panelist you mentioned 19 lakhs. So, what
is the correct number of panellist coz there are huge difference between these.
Secondly, if this is the money rotation then firstly close all the
banks and government revenue model. Bank also do the same they take the money
from one customer and call it deposit and give it to another customer and call
it advances (loan) and making money out of it. If the second customer deny to pay the loan
then how the bank will pay the first customer’s deposit and this is called
recession. Which happened 2 yrs back?
are lots of examples where many big finance institutions failed to pay the
But the
fight is have you checked all the documents of SpeakAsia????
I wish to know whether the media is really trying to help the panelists or loose their money or waiting to get a good payoff from speakasia to close the news for ever
very good suggestion
thnks man…
speakasia till date has fulfilled the dreams of lacs of Indians, our govt is suffering from the deadly disease of corruption and unemployment. many top politicians have collected lakhs of crores from the public since last 60 years, but they have not distributed any single penny to the public.if speakasia has earned 1000 crores but dont forget that they have also distribued 2000 crores to the public.if our govt really want to close the speakasia they should first hang those who compell the people to opt for these schemes