Corporate Affairs Ministry will certainly hold an in-depth review meeting this week to create methods to curb prohibited Multi Level Marketing (NETWORK MARKETING) investment systems, amid increasing circumstances of investor money being swindled with such activities. “Some companies are understood to misusage the NETWORK MARKETING system and I am worried pertaining to it. I am taking a meeting […]
Don’t Invest in Forex Trading: RBI Warned
MLM News: If you are thinking of investing your hard earned in Forex then please have look at the notification by RBI. In this press release RBI has actually warned individuals that are involved in Overseas and also residential Forex Investing. RBI has actually explained that under Foreign Exchange Management Act(FEMA),1999 do not permit locals […]
87 MLM Companies being Probed By Government
New Delhi: A total of 87 MLM companies have come under the government scanner for presumably running illegal multi-level marketing (MLM) investment schemes and seven of them are being probed for potentially serious fraudulences. The government has actually done examination of accounts of 80 business for any sort of violation of company regulations, Corporate Affairs […]
MLM Ponzi schemes on Internet to face crackdown:Corporate Affairs Ministry
The government is now actually determined to crack down on fraudulent MLM companies that have ripped off hundreds of investors in India by blocking their internet sites and tracking their online bank transactions.
News Update: Nmart Retails are Shutting Down
One after another Nmart Retail stores are shutting down. Some of the stores got shut down because of unavailability of products and others due to the payment issues with the main Nmart Retails management.
The StemTech Bangkok Asian convention:Soon Coming To India
The StemTech Bangkok Asian convention What a great convention, what an advanced company, what an advanced cutting edge Stem Cell technology. I think StemTech must have the greatest health discovery and business opportunities of our time.
Why You Should Work Smart Not Hard in MLM
If you are seeking effective MLM systems but have actually not located one that helps you yet, you need to read on. You see, the traditional “traditional” method of running a network marketing company might have worked years ago, however it may not be as efficient today. There are lots of mediums that you could […]
3 Books Every Network Marketer Should Read
3 Books Every Network Marketer Should Read Knowledge is undoubtedly power, especially in network marketing. Those who are quite intellectual can devise ways to get what they want. That is one advantage of having a vast knowledge of how the world works, especially how the business world clicks. With great depth on this kind of knowledge, people […]
SpeakAsia Investigation, It will take more time: Corporate Affairs Ministry
The Corporate Affairs Ministry has come to a conclusion that probe into alleged fraud at SpeakAsia can take even more time due to legal difficulties. The Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO), under the Ministry, is probing the claimed irregularities at Singapore – based multi-level marketing company SpeakAsia. In response to a Right to Information (RTI) […]
Bollywood Actor Rajpal Yadav Investigated:Speak Asia scam
Bollywood comedian Rajpal Yadav was questioned by EOW after a probe into Speak Asia scam a multi-level marketing fraud. EOW suggested that two brothers might have partly funded the actor’s yet-to-be released film, authorities said today.