Most confuse Multi-Level Marketing with ponzi pyramid schemes, frankly speaking both are very identical, at times it becomes difficult to separate one from another. Many ponzi schemes are running disguising as an MLM. As you know the famous and great structure of pyramid, it is narrow at the top and becomes wider at the bottom, same is […]
Prime Minister’s Office asks for investigation and action against Speak Asia.
At last Prime Minister has accepted the request to investigate Speak Asia Online. Prime Minister Office has forwarded the complains to ministry of Corporate Affiairs (MCA), Reserve Bank of India (RBI),Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the home secretary & the finance secretary. It has also been requested from PMO to put the investigation […]
Build 25 Unique Backlinks to Your Pages Every Single Day, FREE!
This article is for people who are running their own blog or website. If you have a blog, then you need to take creating backlinks using Social Monkee seriously. This is an important part of SEO if you want to increase your blog’s search engine rankings and drive massive traffic.
CID raided Speak Asia Online franchisees at Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
CID raided Speak Asia Online franchise at Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh VIJAYAWADA: A CID team lead by DSP YV Ramana Kumar raided the houses of D Srinivasa Reddy and LVA Swamy who are the owners of Speak Asia Online Limited franchisees at Vijaywada on Sunday. During the investigation CID team seized laptops, desktop computers, bank passbooks and all other […]
Bangladesh all set to form a strict MLM law
Bangladesh all set to form a strict MLM law Millions of Bangladeshis lost their hard-earned money to fraud MLM companies. After massive allegations of cheating people by MLM companies, the Ministry of Commerce, Bangladesh, is all set to form a strict all in coming months. In future all MLM companies will come under tough monitoring. Some Highlights […]
Kerala police Investigating Tycoon Empire International & Bizarre group
Kerala state director general of police has admitted frauds amounting to over Rs1,000 crore. Many MLM companies on the name of investments collected hundreds of crores from gullible people. Many investors are NRIs from Gulf countries. Kerala police has initiated investigation against many such get rich quick schemes. Police initiated action after receiving complains from the investors of Tycoon Empire International […]
Speak Asia launching YuG online shopping portal
This piece of information is manly for Indian Speak Asians. Most Speak Asians are desperately waiting for the cash transfer. We have received an inside information, the reason why did Speak Asia stop cash request & transferred all cash request back into your e-wallet. First they want you to generate pins and second to buy […]
Learn the art of handling No in Network Marketing
Learn the art of handling No in Network Marketing & why it is important. Why again & again, it is said to every professional Networker to learn the art of handling “NO Business” in multi level marketing. In a research some facts came out that 67% of prospective buyers that tell you “no” today will […]
Just Be Careful about online lottery frauds
Just Be Careful if you have received a message about online lottery winning. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has received many complains from people. Mostly these complains are about online lottery frauds. RBI warned people that these frauds are being done by e-mails and mobile phones via SMS and in the name of winning the […]
स्वामी रामदेवजी से ही क्यों डरती है कांग्रेस?(Please don’t ignore)
दोस्तों, कृपया 10 मिनट का समय देकर इसे पढ़ें. अगर आपको लगता है कि बात में सच्चाई है तो यह सन्देश दूसरों को भी फॉरवर्ड करें . ************************************************************************ स्वामी रामदेवजी से ही क्यों डरती है कांग्रेस? विदेशी लोगों का समर्थन करने वाली मिडिया क्यों पड़ी है स्वामी जी के पीछे ???? दोस्तों, क्या आपने कभी […]