One after another, news channels are exposing Speak Asia scam. Some people in Speak Asia were saying that Star News had personal agenda in covering negative news about Speak Asia. Now Aaj Tak has covered a news where they have completely exposed Speak Asia’s claim. Aaj Tak, during the investigation also came to know that […]
Speak Asia in trouble after Star News Coverage
MLMNewsBlog Editor Have you ever played the game of falling down dominoes or a card game, where we make a pyramid. A slightest blow can destroy your game. If you plan to play it, be careful. Speak Asia, one of the most promising MLM company has been severely hit by the recent Star News Coverage. If you have seen […]
Star News – Speak Asia Online News report, Legitimate or a Scam?
Star News – Speak Asia Online News report, Legitimate or a Scam. In India we cannot call a concept a scam unless it happens and when a scam happens, no body is there to help. From past two months, most media organizations have covered news reports on Speak Asia Online and most say that it […]
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is contemplating action against Speak Asia Online
Cheaters in paradise: True lies of SpeakAsia’s Goa bash May 11, 2011 06:12 PM | The progress of this MLM company reminds one of the Home Trade scam, where the company used mega celebrities like Sachin Tendulkar and Shah Rukh Khan to gain publicity, before duping several people, including the stars Many agents of SpeakAsia, […]
SpeakAsia still can’t show valid, legal documents
April 13, 2011 04:18 PM | Moneylife Digital Team SpeakAsia, is an online company collecting large sums of money by rapidly enrolling people with the promise of incredible payments for simply filling out online surveys. Our investigation, however, shows that the company is not registered in India and it cannot show us any legal documentation. […]
Speak Asia – An Online Scam That Could Affect a Million People in India
Imagine if there were an online business where you could earn a very handsome and recurring income simply by spending 10-15 minutes per week. To qualify, all you need is a computer with an Internet connection and some basic knowledge of the English language. The exact plan is something like this. You give me $200 […]
Speak Asia given court notice at Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
Gorakhpur: Online Survey Company Speak Asia online has sought delay from city magistrate on Thursday. City magistrates on Thursday arrived in the office of Regional Manager Anurag Corporation to meet him. Meanwhile, City Magistrate has served them with another notice with ten points and instructed to give their answer by Friday.
Another MLM scam in the happening, this time under the pretext of an online survey
Moneylife Digital Team An MLM company that claims to be Asia’s largest online survey company, does not even have an office address or a telephone number but is offering to ‘pay’ $10 just for filling out online surveys Speak Asia Online, which claims to be based in Singapore, is spreading its multi-level marketing (MLM) wings […]